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Whole Turkey, Brunty Farms, Christmas Deposit

Brunty Farms takes great pride in our turkeys. Each turkey has the perfect environment to free range and gets to express their natural behaviors. Our turkeys receive adequate pasture to forage for clover, grasses, weeds, seeds, and insects. The remainder of their diet is whole grains from local farmers containing no animal byproducts.




Whole Turkey w/ Giblets, previously frozen from Thanksgiving: $4.99/lb.


We recommend 1-1.5# per person to provide some leftovers.


Available Christmas weight ranges:

  • 19# only
  • 26-27#


Available cut up options:

  • Spatchcocked, +$12.00 - Backbone removed (still included ) and turkey split to lay flat
  • 8 Piece Cut, + $12.00 - Whole Breast, Two Legs, Two Thighs, Two Wings, Backbone


If you're looking for a specific weight please leave a request in the notes section on the cart page, before the checkout page. We will do our very best to accomodate this request. *For Christmas orders we only have the weights listed above*


Are you a business looking for a wholesale order? We would love to connect with you! Please email

Whole Turkey, Brunty Farms, Christmas Deposit

  • *The prices listed for our products are very close approximations to the actual total. Because our meats are processed fresh from the farm, the size of our cuts may change daily. Please understand that your total amount will be calculated after we prepare your order and that there will be a balance due upon pick up.

    • Let your bird come to room temperature before cooking.
    • Don't over season. Our favorite preparation is an herbed butter rubbed inside and outside of the skin with salt & pepper.
    • Toss in some chopped onions, carrots, and celery to the cavity, it will add great flavor.
    • Cook the stuffing separately. Everyone's recipe is different, which means cooking times vary dramatically. It could alter the cooking time on the turkey.
    • Invest in a meat thermometer! It's the only sure way to have a perfect turkey.
    • Pasture Raised turkey's will cook MUCH faster than a conventional bird! They are not injected or soaked with any additivies. A good guesstimate is 12 minutes/lb.
    • Add liquid to your roasting pan and baste often. Use 2 cups of chicken, turkey, or vegetable broth.
    • Start your turkey hot, then turn down the heat. Place your turkey in a pre-heated oven to 450F for the first 12 minutes, then turn down the heat to 325F. We recommend roasting breast side up.
    • Begin to check the temperate of your turkey about half way through your guesstimated cooking time. This will gauge how quickly it's cooking.
    • Remove your turkey when your meat thermometer reads 155-160 in the thickest part of the thigh [or breast if you're only cooking a breast]. Make sure not to touch the bone or you will get a false reading.
    • Let your bird rest for atleast 20 minutes before carving.
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